
Georgia Southern University Wins EXPO Student Competition

September 23, 2019

Georgia Southern University Wins EXPO Student Competition


CALVERTON, MD, September 23, 2019 – An undergraduate team fielded by Georgia Southern University won the ӽ紫ý's ninth Intermodal EXPO Academic Challenge in Long Beach, Calif. It was their first victory in this annual competition.

The students representing the University were David Vaughn, John Eubanks and Santiago Suarez. Each of the participating teams responded to a case that focused on analyzing volume trends from both the intermodal and over-the-road perspectives.

The other competing undergraduate schools, all ӽ紫ý scholarship schools, included the College of Charleston, SUNY Maritime College, and the Universities of Maryland, North Florida, North Texas and Wisconsin-Superior. The competition supports each institution’s curriculum designed to students on intermodal transportation and attract them to the industry following graduation.

“I think that this competition drives value in three ways,” said Dr. Marc Scott, assistant professor of logistics and supply chain management as well as the director of the Southern Center for Logistics and Intermodal Transportation. “It connects students with the industry, which makes them enthusiastic; the case study itself encourages critical thinking; and three, it shows to the students there’s a lot of opportunity in this industry.”

“The Academic Competition continues to be an inspiration to those of us who have already made intermodal our career,” said Joni Casey, president and CEO of ӽ紫ý. “All the teams impressed the judges with their professionalism, preparation and analytical ability. My congratulations to the winner, Georgia Southern University, and to all the participating schools.”

Since the Scholarship Program's inception in 2007, ӽ紫ý has awarded more than $2.8 million to support students in university programs focused on freight and intermodal transportation. These funds support tuition, student research projects on intermodal issues, and curriculum development.

ӽ紫ý’s roster of more than 1,000 corporate members includes railroads, ocean carriers, ports, intermodal truckers and over-the-road highway carriers, intermodal marketing and logistic companies, and suppliers to the industry. This roster gives ӽ紫ý a unique position within the intermodal community, one which is authoritative, holistic and able to affect change that benefits everyone. ӽ紫ý consistently supports the shared needs, interests, and goals of its diverse members – regardless of mode or function – with business solutions, education, and networking opportunities.


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