
Intermodal In The News

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September, 2023 25
Transport Topics

Throughout the pandemic-influenced years of 2020 through 2022, when demand for trucks soared and capacity evaporated, third-party logistics providers and freight brokers assuaged shippers by simply locating a truck for their freight.

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September, 2023 06

President Joe Biden celebrated the recent West Coast dockworker contract in a ceremony at the White House on Wednesday. “I want to thank both sides for working through this and getting it done,” Biden said. “It’s a good deal for workers, it’s a good deal for companies and it’s a good deal for the United Sta

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August, 2023 06

Three-quarters of the longshore rank and file have agreed to a four-year contract at Vancouver and Prince Rupert, bringing labor certainty to western Canada that has eluded the port for more than a month. The deal ensures marine termina

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July, 2023 13
Progressive Railroading

BNSF Railway Co. divides its business into three main groups: agricultural products, consumer products and industrial products. But one of them clearly is the rainmaker

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June, 2023 13
Journal of Commerce

US chassis providers DCLI and TRAC Intermodal say they are committed to providing high-quality chassis to a new pool that will launch later this year covering ports and inland rail hubs in five southern states

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May, 2023 26
Transport Topics

Freight transportation is a fragmented industry whose players should collaborate to overcome entrenched inefficiencies. That is the message from major logistics companies and technology providers that have joined forces to alleviate a particular pain point hampering the industry..