

EP Apply for UIIA Participation

Apply for UIIA Participation

Companies interested in participating in the UIIA as an Equipment Provider will need to download the EP UIIA Application Packet and follow the steps below. Once you have your application and draft addendum ready, you can e-mail the information to debbie.sasko@intermodal.org. You will be contacted regarding your application and next steps once the information is received. Any questions regarding the EP UIIA application process can also be directed to the e-mail address above.

Complete the signature page to the UIIA. Please e-mail a copy of the completed signature page to debbie.sasko@intermodal.org. .

Each Equipment Provider is required to submit an individual addendum to the UIIA. The addendum outlines your company’s commercial terms and conditions (i.e., free time, use charges, add'l. insurance you will require Motor Carriers to maintain, etc.). The EP Addendum Template outlines the types of items that may be included in your addendum and should be used as a guide when creating this document. Equipment Providers should submit their draft addendum along with their application for UIIA participation.

Each addendum must be reviewed and approved by the Intermodal Interchange Executive Committee (IIEC). The IIEC is the ten-member Committee that oversees the administration of the Agreement. .

Each Equipment Provider must have an active Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). This is a four letter code issued by National Motor Freight Traffic Association. If you do not already have a SCAC Code, you can apply for one by completing the or online at .

Each Equipment Provider will select the method in which they want to receive motor carrier interchange status information. Available options include via internet, EDI, XML or API.

Each Equipment Provider will need to decide if they wish to open their participation in the UIIA to all Motor Carriers or if they prefer to provide our office with a list of Motor Carriers with whom they do business. If providing a list of Motor Carriers, the information must be in an Excel format and include full company name, address, city/state/zip, along with the phone, fax, and SCAC Code of Motor Carrier if these field are available. Your Motor Carrier file will be matched against the UIIA database to determine which companies on the list do not currently participate in the UIIA.

The fee for participation in the UIIA is calculated based on three components: a) Total Annual Volume; b) Data Access; and c) Motor Carriers Serviced. An initial deposit of the administrative fee is required to initiate the promotion process. Please contact our office and we will be happy to provide you with an estimation of what your annual fees for participation in the UIIA will be.


A special thank you to our premium level partners for your continued support.